Sunday, September 21, 2008

The ads do say he doesn't have much else to do...

Our dryer stopped working last week. It was brand new, never-been-used before we moved in, so we called Maytag, they of the commercials featuring the repairman who is so bored because Maytag makes such a top-notch dryer, thus removing the need for his services. As it turned out, in our case they were right, because it was our wiring, which may or may not have been done by a meth-addled capuchin monkey.

In any case, because we first thought it was the dryer, we called in a repairman, who, at some point in his examination Friday morning, inadvertently dropped a roach on our kitchen floor. Kevin found it Friday night and we all had a good laugh imagining his panic when he went to light up his tiny amount of remaining weed and realized he had probably dropped it in a customer's house.

So PSA for the weekend: if you're going to be that careful about hoarding the miniscule amount of pot left in a joint too small to hold with anything other than the finest of needle-nose pliers, you ought to be just as careful about making sure it stays in your pocket.

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