Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Apple Polisher

When we started this semester, there was a huge amount of information, foreign to just about all of us new students, being thrown at us. Everyone in my class had a pretty much continuous slightly glazed, panicked expression. The instructor assured us it would all start to drop into place, and damn if she wasn't right. Now, six weeks in, it's starting to fit together and it's a really good feeling. I've always enjoyed school and this is no exception. Plus I've discovered that I really really like pharmacology--I had no idea it was so interesting. Wow, I'm getting even dorkier as I get older.

This weekend is Apple Fest in Bayfield, but I don't think I can take the crowds. 75,000 people packed into a town with a population of under 1000 is ridiculous. I'm not going unless they allow cattle prods.

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