Sunday, September 07, 2008

Devil in a bouffant

So it would seem that I, along with many many other people, underestimated Sarah Palin. Don't get me wrong, I still think she's grossly unqualified, knows nothing about foreign policy, and has no business being second in line for leader of the United States, behind a 72-year-old man who has had malignant tumors removed from his face three times in the last dozen or so years, the last of which was an invasive melanoma that was removed from his temple.

But I failed to anticipate the popular appeal of a former beauty queen who displays a high level of smug ignorance, a deep mean streak, and an abiding love for shooting and/or consuming moose and moose products. My bad. I also did not anticipate the level of idiocy that would be on display as her supporters grasped at fragile straws to argue for her readiness. Alaska's proximity to Russia gives her international affairs credentials? I guess living four blocks from Lake Superior makes me a freshwater biologist and expert on the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

So yes, Democrats should be concerned about Sarah Palin, despite her many flaws and her ethics problems and her flat-out lies about her own policies as small-town mayor and governor of the state with the smallest population in the union. But there is a bright side! The last week of seeing this awful, awful woman all over the news has galvanized the Democrats and driven a large number of moderates away from McCain, and her snarkiness and attacking have opened the door for Biden to let her have it in the VP debate, which will be wildly entertaining. By the time the election rolls around, we'll all be sick of it, but for now, I'm in a state of gleeful anticipation.

Photo taken from Wonkette

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