Friday, December 12, 2008

It's a nice cut, but do you have something that says "I'm going to kill my date tonight?"

What the fuck, huh? I mean, what the fucking fuck? What kind of smug little wiener thought this would be a fine image to sell an ugly-ass suit?

I'm not really sure what is up with people who find depictions of murdered, tortured, brutalized women sexy. What, exactly, are the douchebags over at duncan quinn trying to say here? That you too can put on a plaid suit and strangle a woman with your tie? Hey, you've got a date and you don't even have to buy her dinner or listen to her yapping! And you'll get to wear an expensive suit, which you will remember fondly later on, when your choices are limited to denim jumpsuits.

This shit pisses me off. What pisses me off even more is that when someone speaks up and says "That is a seriously fucked-up ad," we all have to listen to jackass ad executives and commentators defend it and call those of us who find it offensive a bunch of humorless feminists. Because if we just had a sense of humor, we'd see it was hip and edgy to sell clothing using images of murder.

Jeez, lighten up, ladies! They don't really want to kill you, they just think it's sexy when you look like you've died a violent death. What's your problem, anyway?

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