Friday, November 14, 2008

Your stupid! No, you're stupid.

On a website I visit frequently, there are always little links or banner ads that say things like "3 people have a crush on you. Find out who!" Or "Paris Hilton/Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton has an IQ of 120. Bet you can't beat it!" Who knew Paris was just as smart as Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton? Not me. Clearly, I can't beat that IQ.

The ad that's been up the most lately says "2 of your friends think your dumber than George Bush." Your. Your. Your. Seriously, if you're going to try and provoke someone into clicking on your spam by calling them stupid, proper spelling and grammar might help your case. Lazy, uneducated spammers are just the worst.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I Can't Believe It

I cried last night when they called it for Obama, and when they showed all the ecstatic people, and when he was giving his speech. I didn't think I would; I really wanted him to win, but I'm not one of the people who thinks he's The Chosen One. But I started thinking about the last eight years, and how the Constitution has been turned into toilet paper by those in charge, and how the rest of the world thinks we're a bunch of ignorant bullies thanks to Bush and his Dr. Strangelovian Go Fuck Yourself foreign policy, and how depressing it was in 2004 to see that that seemed to be what a lot of Americans wanted, and I cried because I finally, finally saw that coming to an end.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Boo, you sumbitch.

So a lot of people think redneck when they think northern Wisconsin. It's an unfair and unfortunate word association, and I know an awful lot of very awesome people here in town that do not have even the slightest redneck tendencies. However, you can always find someone in any demographic who is just chomping at the bit to confirm any negative stereotypes, and I have to say that while Ashland wouldn't qualify for the title of Home of the Good Ol' Boy, we're not exactly short on the Yeehaw People. Example: Kevin goes to school with someone who served in Iraq, who uses the very offensive term "hajji" at least twice a day, among other racist slurs, who thought it would be the height of comedy gold to dress up as a suicide bomber for Halloween. Even better, he won a prize, voted by other students, for that costume. Ha. Ha. Ha.