Tuesday, November 28, 2006

update, blah blah blah

I'm officially done applying for jobs. I can't open another one of those condescending "Thank you for your interest in our position, however..." letters without completely losing my shit. There's a weekend training session for post-partum doulas in January, and I'm signing up for it. I may or may not sign up for the birth doula session in March. I'm applying for nursing schools, which will necessitate moving back to the Cities, because of the freaking THREE YEAR waiting list at the one community college in Madison. I still want to know who these people are that have the time and fallback options to sit on a waiting list for that long. Most schools in the Cities have waiting lists too, but I don't think they're more than a year or so.

Once I get my RN certification, I plan to get certified as a nurse-midwife, which is another year. The classes are online through the U of M, though, so I can work while doing that. There's still a part of me that is really upset and pissed off that all the work (and money!) I put into my master's degree was wasted, practically speaking, even though I am excited about my new plan. It's hard letting that go.

I've been trying to write a little more. I have a new blog here, and I've got a great idea for a novel, but I'm not convinced I can write it. The boy's got a truly fantastic idea for a graphic novel, but is not convinced he can write it.

We're trying to get out of this little craptacular slump. 2006 should have been our year, but it's been tough. I'm hoping that in another ten years, when I look back on my thirties, it won't look like a string of really bad decisions peppered with a few bright spots. I would like the bright spots to be the primary focus, please.

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