Thursday, October 26, 2006

No matter what, I'll always yell at the TV

Three months, huh? That's okay, nothing of any interest whatsoever has happened. For all intents and purposes, I've been unemployed for six months. Wheee! I did have the possibility of a dream job tantalizing me for a couple of months, until that dream, like so many others before it, was crushed. I've got an interview for a pretty promising job with the state Division of Public Health. I've got applications in any number of places. And on the back burner, we're holding on to the possibility of moving back to Minneapolis when our lease ends.

I have mixed feelings about this. I absolutely love Madison. Love it. I love the idea of having a kid here and buying a cute little old house on one of the cute little tree-filled streets that Madison is bursting with. It's a beautiful town, big enough to be interesting but small enough that I can't take it seriously when it's referred to as "The City of Madison". But there may not be anything here for me, job-wise.

When we first started discussing the possibility of moving back to the Cities, I was resistant. It felt like defeat. We've both been so adamant about not moving back, about keeping four hours between us and our families. Our car is registered in Wisconsin. We have WI driver's licenses. We registered to vote in WI, largely to express our displeasure with the "Other people's relationships can directly hurt my relationship" gay marriage amendment on the ballot. Also the right-wing tool running for governor.

But the more I've thought about it the better it sounds. It's very unlikely Em will be staying here after she graduates in May, and we really don't have any other friends. Maybe we should work on that.

My parents are moving to Ashland, where Em may also end up, next summer. It's a six-hour drive from Madison and a four-hour drive from the Cities. We absolutely loathe the six-hour drive.

Of course, now that I'm starting to say "Fuck yeah, let's go!", I will probably get a job and we'll stay in Madison. That's okay too.

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