Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Waiting for snowfall...

My tracking software/egotistical spying application tells me that a shit-ton of people have been to my site recently. Mainly for the pictures. Apparently when you give a blog post a title that involves a line out of a Gordon Lightfoot song, the hordes come a-knocking. Note: I am using the terms "shit-ton" and "hordes" very loosely and in comparison to the usual, western-Nebraska-population numbers that generally grace me with their readership.

Things are...well, they just are. I am struggling with some interpersonal conflict. On the upside, I have (and have to keep reminding myself that I have) really awesome people around who outnumber the less-awesome others, and who could totally kick their asses, if they were so inclined, which they are not because they are thoughtful and gentle people. But they could.

Anyway. I'm wondering what else I can do to boost my numbers. Pictures of boobs are always good, but I don't know if that's really the right direction for me. Anyone have any suggestions? What do you want to see/read about? Excitement? Adventure? That would turn this into a fictional endeavor, just to be clear. Or should I just continue with my mundane, self-indulgent, kind of boring blatherings? Cause I have that list, now, you know, and I've got to do this at least twice a month.

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