Friday, November 14, 2008

Your stupid! No, you're stupid.

On a website I visit frequently, there are always little links or banner ads that say things like "3 people have a crush on you. Find out who!" Or "Paris Hilton/Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton has an IQ of 120. Bet you can't beat it!" Who knew Paris was just as smart as Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton? Not me. Clearly, I can't beat that IQ.

The ad that's been up the most lately says "2 of your friends think your dumber than George Bush." Your. Your. Your. Seriously, if you're going to try and provoke someone into clicking on your spam by calling them stupid, proper spelling and grammar might help your case. Lazy, uneducated spammers are just the worst.

1 comment:

mykul said...

I am, officially, smarter than Paris Hilton. Thanks, Facebook!