Saturday, March 03, 2007

Snowfall, or spring..

It's been a lame winter. First not enough snow, then too much, and idiot neighbors who seem unaware of the fact that when a foot of heavy, wet snow has fallen, it is perhaps unwise to skip shoveling before you try and back out. And who also continue to make a ridiculous amount of noise with the piano-playing and constant singing and lack of understanding of the concept of "indoor voice", and maintain an unfortunate partiality to Billy Joel, and generally annoy the ever-loving shit out of us with their very presence. Five more months of this garbage, and I swear, if our little science experiment works, the hormones may break all sense of restraint and send me rushing downstairs with a board with a nail driven through it. See how cleverly I disguised that update?

Despite my low expectations, the flower shop job was not up to par. Perhaps I should have expected that my boss would be batshit. It's not really worth getting into all of it, other than to say that I was the 17th employee who has been hired and left within the past 18 months. I have a fairly promising interview on Monday, so we'll see what happens. I'm hoping to pull in a couple of doula clients on a part-time basis, too. We're also planning on a move to Ashland in August of '08, and I'll be going to school for nursing up there, and I'm so goddamn excited. I never, ever saw myself as a small-town girl, and I don't think Kevin ever thought he'd wind up in the rural northwoods, either, but we're both really looking forward to it.

I'm making orange rolls right now, for brunch with Em tomorrow, and they're not rising properly. Nothing I bake ever rises properly. I'm suspecting that the whole "rise" thing is a whole lot of Yeast Industry propaganda.

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