Thursday, July 13, 2006

Crappy crappity crap crap

Yeah, so I've now been unemployed since the end of April. I have had several interviews, albeit not for anything I would be particularly ecstatic to get. The people at my dream job, the job on which I had pinned my hopes and prayed daily for an interview, finally sent me the "We received many qualified applicants" letter yesterday. This caused me to spend much of the rest of the day in tears. The jobs that I really want, well, they're not impressed by my M.A.. The admin jobs that I don't really want but am applying for because I need to work--they're impressed by the M.A., so much so that they don't want to demean me by giving me the job because I should really be doing so much better. I am completely fucked. Completely. Right now, the only solution I can think of is to go back to school, AGAIN, but this time for something like nursing, where they're handing out the jobs. I'm really at a loss, and never mind the fact that due to my unemployment, we've already gone through all our wedding money, which makes me slightly ill.

On the other hand, I'm having a creative surge. I'm knitting up a storm to finish a baby blanket for my friend before the baby gets here in August, I'm embellishing a few t-shirts with some punk rock embroidery, and I found a darkroom that I can use for a very cheap fee. I need to start the photography again and rock the multiple exposure, learn how to cut my own mats (properly this time), and get some of my stuff up around Madison. That would make me happy. Kevin wants to do the same thing with his drawings (my husband is talented), and starting a combo zine is not out of the question.

Still, a job for me needs to come up quick, or we'll be working on our zine on the street.

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