Monday, November 28, 2005

Whose house? Run's house!

Time to revisit my semi-abandoned posts. In the time I've been gone, I've learned the following things:

1. Education classes are stupid. Very, very stupid. Having little to do with the realities of teaching, they exist mainly to provide jobs for Wisconsin's Department of Public Instruction, and, apparently, to waste my time and money. I have enough subject credits to teach high school social studies, I just need to learn how to jump through hoops. It's rather aggravating.

2. Roller derby has the potential to be very very cool, and it probably is very very cool for the girls who play on teams, and thus have their time occupied by things other than idiotic arguments over costuming and inane power struggles. However, my experience has been that if you get a group of girls together, you're bound to have at least one nutjob/drama queen with a total lack of self-awareness. I'm not so interested in voluntarily subjecting myself to that, and thus, this weekend's bout will be the first and last that I participate in. It's too bad, but I don't have the energy to coexist with sucky people when I don't really have to.

3. "My Name Is Earl" and "The Office" make a great hour of television viewing. Also, "The Machinist" is an incredible movie that did not get the attention it deserved.

4. My future brother- and sister-in-law are having a baby boy in April. I'm of course happy for them, but I'm also unbelievably happy that we will not be having the first grandchild on that side of the family.

5. Joaquin Phoenix is an excellent (and easy on the eyes) Johnny Cash.

6. If I give myself too much time between thinking of an idea for a story and starting to write it, I will inevitably tear the idea to shreds until I am thoroughly convinced that it's dumber than anything that has ever been written in the history of time, ever, plus I have no talent as a writer anyway, that not a single word will be written.

7. My desire to have a baby is directly correlated with the approach of my thirtieth birthday. Fortunately, I've managed to score a twenty-five-year-old who is not only sweet, funny, and cute as hell, but just as interested in knocking me up. It will likely happen within a year (despite my enthusiasm, I'm still slightly weirded out by the thought).

8. I need to write more often, in conjunction with my goal to spend more time being productive and less time on the couch watching crappy TV and mocking David Caruso's horrible acting, fun as that activity may be.

9. Tight budgets still blow.

10. I don't know what is wrong with those women who can talk about nothing other than their upcoming wedding. Once in a while, sure. But jesus, on my list of conversation topics, it ranks somewhere between the price of gas and my desire for a digital camera. Fixating on it will not make it "magical".

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