Monday, December 11, 2006

Kiss My Grits!

I'm now employed! As a waitress in a diner! While this was not part of the fantasies I entertained while filling out my grad school application, or writing approximately 500 pages of international relations theory over two years, or applying for tens of thousands of dollars worth of student loans, it is amazing how months upon months of unemployment will lower your standards. I'm actually pretty happy about my new job.

Monday, December 04, 2006

"Doula" is a funny word.

I just sent in my registration for the post-partum doula training and I'm super-excited. Despite my feelings about not using my expensive and not-exactly-shabby education, I'm really looking forward to starting this process. I think I will make a kick-ass doula. Which is what every new parent is looking for, right? And if this goes as well and is as cool as I think it will be, I'll start the process for birth doula certification in the spring.

When I first mentioned this idea to my parents, my father, who was unfamiliar with the term "doula", was less than supportive, but that's because he thought I was telling him I'd be delivering hippie babies in home births with no medical training or supervision. Once he realized I would not be pulling kids out of anyone's hoo-ha, he thought it was a great idea.