Friday, May 12, 2006

So, I'm doing the job application thing. And I had my first interview in years yesterday. Although it's for a job I don't really want, it was nice to be called for an interview, if only to prove that, in fact, there is no subliminal message encrypted in my resume saying "This woman will spend all her time photocopying her ass if you let her in to your workplace."

So. I found a job opening at the University, which is great. It involves editing, social services, and a salary that is twice anything I've ever received. I have the qualifications they want. I want this job very badly. I think I deserve it. I know I'd be good at it. I'm really hoping that the employment gods will finally, finally smile on me and give me a cool job that will allow us to pay off our credit cards and afford kids, or at least a dog. Anyone reading this, please cross your fingers for me.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

There are three people living in the apartment below us. Two are a couple who fight a great deal, seemingly on a schedule. They strike me as yuppies in training. They will likely get married and have many affairs. Their roommate is a douchebag with a stoner laugh, a propensity for leaving his laundry in the washing machine for days at a time, and a fondness for playing guitar and singing on their porch. He's in a band that does covers of songs by Bon Jovi and The Steve Miller Band, but they "have three or four original songs at this point." The couple is moving out in August when the lease is up, but he's hoping to be able to find some roommates so he can stay. My heart is filled with hate for him, and if there's any justice, all of his pseudo-hippie pals will be locked into leases at co-ops or something and we'll get neighbors who don't make me want to shove pins in my eyes.

I'm a little cranky. Here's the kind of day I had: while I was waiting for the bus this evening, a skinny middle-aged guy with a beard, carrying a couple of manila folders, walked past me, giving me an odd, slightly hostile look, and I seriously thought he would just reach out and give me a shove when he walked past. It was an absurd thought, and of course he didn't, but I was ready for it. The day's earlier events had led me to expect nothing less.