Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Today's American Idol-Inspired Quote

"I don't understand why these people think that just because fart noises don't come out when they open their mouths, they're talented singers."


Friday, January 27, 2006

What kind of person does it take to fuck over a complete stranger who just did you a favor? Kevin got rear-ended by a guy about a month ago--he was waiting to pull out from a metered parking spot, it was snowing, the guy pulled into the spot behind him and slid into him, cracking our bumper. A cop came and said that if he filled out an accident report, someone would be getting a ticket, and Kevin felt bad for the guy, because obviously it would have been him getting the ticket. He worked for a delivery company, it was late in the day, and Kevin said, "no that's okay." Not what I would have done, but Kevin's nicer than me. Anyway, we called the guy's insurance company to file a claim, thinking we'd just go through them, as it was THE OTHER GUY'S FAULT. Little problem--the guy turns around and lies, claiming Kevin backed into him. Motherfucker. So we're stuck with a $250 deductible in return for trying not to get this worthless piece of shit in too much trouble. In situations like this, I really try, for the sake of my blood pressure, to put my faith in karma, but a large part of me wants to say "fuck that" and go slash his tires.